The FAA Updated the Airman Certification Standards (ACS)!
Posted on by MAC Club
All, the FAA released 11 new FAA Airman Certification Standards (ACS) and Practical Test Standards (PTS) that will go into effect on May 31, 2024.
For those of you who have purchased an ACS book through your Gleim kit or elsewhere, I will review the changes over an online meetup, so I can best update as many of you in the shortest time possible.
Here are the updated ACS:
- Private Pilot Airplane ACS: Old: ACS-6B.1, New: ACS-6C
- Commercial Pilot Airplane ACS: Old: ACS-7A.1, New: ACS-7B
- Instrument Rating Airplane ACS: Old: ACS-8B.1, New: ACS-8C
- Airline Transport Pilot and Type Rating Airplane ACS: Old: ACS-11.1, New: ACS-11A
- Instrument Rating Helicopter ACS: Old: 8081-4E, New: ACS-14
- Private Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter ACS: Old: 8081-15A, New: ACS-15
- Commercial Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter ACS: Old: 8081-16B, New: ACS-16
- Flight Instructor Airplane ACS: Old: 8081-6DS, 8081-6DM, New: ACS-25
- Flight Instructor Rotorcraft ACS: Old: 8081-16B, New: ACS-29
- Flight Instructor Instrument Airplane and Helicopter PTS: Old: 8081-9D, New: 8081-9E
- Aircraft Dispatcher PTS: Old: 8081-5F.7; New: 8081-10E
Please go to the following link and download the ACS that applies to you. Be sure to download the ACS Companion Guide for Pilots:
I’ll be in touch! -joe